Difference between Indian and International newspapers

Many of you might really want to know the major differences between both an Indian and an international newspaper. The minutest of difference between the newspaper makes it different from each other and also leads to a completely different customer base.
Difference between an Indian newspaper and an International newspaper

Differs in size: Yes, you heard it right. Indian newspapers are smaller in comparison to any of the international newspaper. The size impacts the amount of news, which means Indian newspapers tends to spend more information in comparison to international newspapers.

First page: Most of the newspapers believe that the first page is what attracts people attention. Most of the international newspapers print their first page with technology related news and some good thoughts to keep people up and motivated throughout the day. Whereas, Indian newspaper’s front page covers news related to crime or whatever is happening in and around the city.

Cost: International newspapers are free to read. There are public places across the city, wherein people can read the newspaper for free. On the contrary, in India one need to buy the newspaper to read and go through all the latest buzz going in the town.

Multiple languages: Indian newspapers are known for printing newspapers under various languages spoken in India. Whereas, international newspapers are printed only in English or the county’s native language.

News variation: International news varies from that of Indian News. The news basically consists of new discoveries, peace, crimes, and politics. Whereas the newspapers in India consists of Indian political news and other attributes which is of interest and utility to the readers.


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